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Vehicle Contol History (VCH) Cable
Vehicle Control History (VCH) is a design function in certain Toyota airbag control modules (ACM) that records data about veicle operating conditions. This data is typically obtained through a vehicle diagnostic port (DLC) using various factory tools including the Bosch® CDR 900. In many instances, the vehicles electrical system may not support data collection through the DLC due to collision damage.
This custom one of a kind cable allows VCH data (not images) to be collected directly from an ACM when combined with a Bosch® direct to module (D2M) cable.
$11 US Shippingvia USPS Priority Mail(for up to 2 items) | $35 Canadian Shippingvia USPS Priority Mail(for up to 2 items) |
Cost: $250 eachplus shipping (& sales tax in CA)
This item will be available forpurchase soon