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dlc adapter
Crash data is typically obtained through a vehicle diagnostic port (DLC) using various factory tools including the Bosch® CDR tool. In some instances, the DLC may be damaged and connecting to it is not an option. That would require spending time and possibly further damaging a vehicle in order to access the airbag control module (ACM) directly.
This custom one of a kind cable allows you to connect to the wiring on the back of the DLC regardless of how damaged the DLC connector is or whether or not it is physically available.
Four wire piercing devices are included and once connected to the applicable wires the appropriate color banana plugs are inserted into the wire piercing device. The other end of the cable has a 16-pin DLC connector that can now be connected to factory tools including diagnostic scan tools.
$11 US Shippingvia USPS Priority Mail(for up to 2 items) | $35 Canadian Shippingvia USPS Priority Mail(for up to 2 items) |
Cost: $250 eachplus shipping (& sales tax in CA)